Ventilating shoes insole which thick to keep a dry, healthy and comfort foot environment. After you walk through the day's work with these shoes, you can keep the shoes dry and comfortable. This is a great feeling.
Shoes feature open mesh at the forefoot that is lightweight and breathable keeping you comfortable throughout your run.
Lightweight sneakers: The soft, breathable mesh upper is just like socks, which can bring a great sense of freedom and comfort. Even if you wear these sports shoes all day, you will not feel tired.
The running shoes sole made from high elasticity MD material,the pattern on the bottom of sole features flexible grooves,strengthen the shoes ability of anti-skid and grip,helping users adapt to any road condition.
Available in multiple colors, find the perfect pair to fit your style. OCCASIONS: walking shoes, running shoes, fitness sports shoes, indoor shoes, sports shoes, outdoor shoes, tennis shoes, travel, sports, exercise, footwear, etc
-Product Features-
- Stable & Secure
- All Day Comfort
- Durable and Breathable
- All-round Protection
- Non-slip and Wear-resistant
- Shock absorption
- Multi-functional
- Perfect For Outdoor
-Product Size-
- Size: 7-12 US Normal size. If your feet are fat or wide, choose a larger size.